C. Diff Vaccine Study

C. Diff is highly contagious and can cause serious damage to the large intestine if left untreated. RCR is looking for healthy adults between the ages of 65 and 84 for this trial, aiming to find a more effective vaccine for preventing the spread of the C. Diff bacteria. Participating in this study will require 9 visits to our office over the course of a year, and compensation will be provided for your time and travel.

Age Range: 65 to 84
Gender: Male and Female
Location: Rochester, New York
Compensation*: TBD

About the Study

C. Diff is a bacteria that commonly infects the large intestine in older adults, and it can spread easily through contact or contaminated surfaces. If left untreated, it can lead to severe symptoms, including fever and diarrhea, and even become life-threatening. Reinfection is common, even after recovery from the illness. At Rochester Clinical Research, we’re conducting a study to develop a more effective vaccine against C. Diff that requires fewer injections.

The study is looking for volunteers between the ages of 65-84 years old. It will last approximately a year and will require 9 visits to our office.

Study-related care is available to participants at no cost and health insurance is not required nor needed. Compensation for time and travel is available to those who qualify.


  • 65-84 years old
  • Good general health, but many stable chronic conditions are okay
  • *Please note, that other qualifications apply


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